on sisterly love
For three weeks minus a weekend, my sister has cared for my every need, often without my asking. She refills my coffee cup, water bottle and wine glass. She now expertly wheels me in and out of the...
View Articlean open letter to my ankle
Dear Ankle: First, let me start off my expressing my sincerest apologies for years and years (decades, if I’m being frank) of completely taking you for granted. “My feet hurt,” I may have complained...
View Articlegood reads
I read, therefore I make book recommendations. According to Goodreads, the social media platform for books, I read 54 books in 2015, surpassing my annual reading challenge goal of 50. Borrowing...
View Articlethe new normal
Two months ago, I stepped out of the car and onto an icy path of change, humility and, to be honest, pain. In one sense, the days between walking and not passed quickly. But when I consider it’s been...
View Articlerebuilding trust
The day I can walk is circled in red on my mental calendar. No one is more excited for the ditching of the wheelchair than I am, except perhaps my chore-burdened kids and those dear friends who...
View Article15 years later
I almost forgot the date. But then I stepped outside into a bright sunny day and in a flash, my mind rewound to another blue-skied morning. Why do we universally remember the remarkable sky on that...
View Articlewhat locker room banter enables
Labor Day weekend, I got off an airplane and followed signs to the train. I had a bounce to my step; a glass of wine and reunion with a dear friend awaited me at my final destination. “Excuse me,” a...
View ArticleWhat next?
Dear President-elect Trump: You will be our nation’s next president. With your victory, you baffled pollsters, emboldened supporters and left half the nation in shock. I promised my kids that if you...
View ArticleGoodbye, Facebook
I first signed up for Facebook in 2008 shortly after returning home from my 20-year high school reunion. At the time, I was emotionally transitioning out of my job in the U.S. Senate. Facebook...
View ArticleWith gratitude
This year more than any other continually challenged me to remember all that I have. On this day of giving thanks, I share the following entries from my mental gratitude journal. Friends who feel...
View ArticleNaNoWriMo: when failure is success
A few years ago, my writer friend, I’ll call her Pav, asked if I was participating in NaNoWriMo. I grew up in the 70s, so I thought she was saying Na-Nu Na-Nu, and if you have to look that up, you’re...
View Articlereflections on a year
The sidewalk screams happy birthday with a thin but potentially dangerous layer of black ice. I get it, 2016; you have a sadistic sense of humor. One year ago, I had more than a few lessons to learn in...
View Articlehello, 2017
Two days ago, I stood waist-deep in the Hawaiian surf and braced against the push-pull of the ocean. I dug my toes in the sand and tightened through the core as stronger swells moved by and through me;...
View ArticleMarching forward
I woke up this morning to an achy body and bursting heart. Both sensations kept me weepy all day. When the boys and I left home Saturday morning to meet up with the families who comprise our proverbial...
View Articlethen and now
One year ago, I woke up eager to get out of the house after being snowed in for a week. Being “snowed in” in the DC metro area means something different than it does in farther northern reaches....
View Articleon daily gratitude
Earlier this year, I tried to make identifying five things I’m grateful for part of my pre get-out-of-bed routine. I hummed along for a few weeks, but mornings with two teenage boys can easily grow...
View ArticleMy favorite reads of 2017
I just added to Goodreads the latest (and probably last) read in 2017, marking 110 books read this year, 35 more than the goal I set in January. I hear you ask: how do you have so much time to read?...
View ArticleThis year in writing
In the spirit of retrospection—and also recognizing that without Facebook to update the friendly masses on my writerly aspirations, contributing to my underused blog is the best way to let the world...
View ArticleOn New Year’s Day
I sneezed my way through leading a yoga class on intention setting today, while procrastinating committing to my own. First I needed the right markers to set myself up for success. And the elusive...
View Articlemy five-day fling with FitBit
Disclaimer: I know millions of Americans, a few whom I dearly love, enthusiastically rely on FitBit to count steps and monitor activity in the spirit of accountability. While [spoiler alert] this...
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