my five-day fling with FitBit
Disclaimer: I know millions of Americans, a few whom I dearly love, enthusiastically rely on FitBit to count steps and monitor activity in the spirit of accountability. While [spoiler alert] this...
View Article365 days of headstand
A previously little known fact I’m now sharing with the internet: I’m a yoga teacher who is scared of doing a headstand. Oh, I don’t mind cuing students into sirsasana. I can look at a body moving...
View Articletwo years later
On this day two years ago, in a flurry of both impatience and tears, I signed my own discharge papers as George Washington University Hospital deemed me ready to go home, where I would spend the next...
View Articlelet them eat pound cake
All week, my older son kept asking me to make the pound cake I made on New Year’s Eve. “It’s so good mom. That’s my choice for our Super Bowl food.” Setting aside that pound cake is NOT football food,...
View ArticleBurn, baby, burn
I keep my house a cool 65 degrees in the winter. Friends and family know to dress in layers when they come over. Echoes of Jimmy Carter’s “put on a sweater” come from my mouth when the kids complain;...
View Articlequiet your thinking brain…
If you’ve been in a yoga class, you might have heard some version of “quiet your thinking brain.” Eliminate the monkey chatter. Clear your head of thoughts. Let go of anything not serving you. Yeah,...
View ArticleThe countdown to Pitch Wars (aka #BoostMyBio)
Obviously, if you scroll through my blog posts, you’ll notice I’m intermittent with my blogging, but that doesn’t mean I’m not constantly writing. A recovering Senate staffer, I’m lucky enough to have...
View ArticleWhat to expect when expecting a pandemic
The last few days have stirred up a frenetic energy reserved for the anticipation of a big snow storm. The toilet paper aisle at grocery stores is ravaged, pantries are stocked with dry goods that...
View ArticleCOVID Confinement: Day One
Day One: March 16, 2020 I suppose Saturday, after I ran those last remaining errands, should count as Day One, but today, Monday, is our first true day of COVID-interruptus. I normally dread weekdays...
View ArticleLatchkey OG
“You were made for this,” the owner of Biker Barre, who’s also a dear friend, said as I assembled a plan for how Capitol Hill’s favorite indoor cycling + barre studio could provide online content to...
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